5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Buy an RV

RV Owners

We talk a lot about RVs here. But let’s be honest – owning an RV isn’t for everyone. Let’s take a look at why you shouldn’t buy an RV!

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#1: RVs Are Really Expensive, Man

RVs cost a lot! Even if you’re not getting a $250,000 Class A luxury RV, many new RVs certainly cost more than your everyday car or truck. And of course, you’re not done paying once you purchase your rig. You’ll need insurance. You’ll need dishes and linens and kitchen appliances and all the odds and ends you’ll use in your RV.

You’ll also need to pay campground fees and budget for gas (RVs aren’t the most fuel-efficient vehicles out there…it takes a lot of fuel to get that thing moving!)

#2: Something is Always Breaking

If you own a home, you know there’s always something that needs fixing or improving. And unless your vehicle is brand-new (and sometimes even then!), there’s generally something that needs attention there, too. An RV combines both of these issues into one big, constant fixer-upper!

If the engine’s running great, the water pump needs attention. If everything’s running perfectly (we’ve heard myths about this happening), you could use some new wallpaper or other interior improvements.

#3: RV Water Tank Dumping (need we say more?)

Ah, yes. If you’re going to be boondocking or staying somewhere without sewer hookups, you’ll have to tend to your tanks. Depending on how long you’re staying somewhere, you may even have to pack up and go dump your tanks in the middle of your stay. Good times!

It’s true, photos of dumping your tanks probably aren’t going in the scrapbook when you get home (oh, who am I kidding? Plenty of us have kooky families who would really appreciate pictures of this, actually). But it’s honestly not as bad…or as smelly…or as messy…as many new RVers fear. If you’ve done a little research on dumping your tanks, you’ll be well prepared and we have full confidence that you can handle this.

#4: You Have to Pay For Storage When You’re Not Using It

If you’re not living in your RV full-time, you need a plan for where you’ll keep it when it’s not in use. Many of us live in areas with HOAs or other laws that prevent you from parking your rig on the street for long periods of time. Even if you don’t, keeping your RV or trailer in plain sight at home can make you unpopular with the neighbors! Leaving your RV out in the elements – the baking hot sun in summer or the below-freezing temps in winter – can also cause it to deteriorate faster.

You’ll likely need to store your RV somewhere when you’re not using it. And you’ll have to pay extra if you want it sheltered indoors. Add that to the other costs we mentioned above!

#5: Everyone Ends Up in Your Rig

If you’ve ever been on a group campout, where some friends are tent camping and others are RVing, you may have gotten the moochers. I myself am quite an experienced moocher from family gatherings where our family was tent camping among the RVs.

We moochers love our RVing friends and family. We like to borrow your rig to charge our phones. Maybe to sit at your table and escape the cold for a bit. We certainly enjoy dropping by in the morning for hot coffee. And if our trip is long enough, we may try to sneak inside for a nice, warm shower.

If you’ve got the RV, be prepared for plenty of visits from those of us sleeping on the cold, hard ground!

OK, mostly, we’re kidding about the drawbacks of owning an RV. Sure, they may be expensive but travel in general is expensive and you can find ways to save while RVing.

Yes, something may always be breaking, but that’s life. No matter where you decide to lay your head, you’re going to have to fix stuff.

And sure, everyone might congregate in your rig. But that’s part of the fun of gatherings!

Before you take the leap and purchase an RV, however, try it out. Rent an RV with RVshare and see whether those half-joking complaints above are legitimate concerns for you.

If you do own an RV, RVshare can also help with some of those problems. Recoup some of the costs of your rig, or save on storage, by renting it out!

Every decision in life has pros and cons. Traveling in an RV, camping among gorgeous vistas, and creating lifelong memories are definite perks to weigh against the inconveniences of owning an RV.

However, you choose to see the country – happy trails to you!