Travel Planning with AI – Travel Trend Report 2024

Industry News

AI technology is here to stay and travelers are using it to plan their trips! Here are the survey results on using AI as a travel planning tool.

Strong Interest in AI Tools for Travel Planning 

Following the trend of travelers seeking more peaceful vacations, insights also reveal a more relaxing travel planning experience may be on the agenda as well.

When travelers were asked if AI tools would make the travel planning process more enjoyable and efficient by reducing time and effort, 63% admitted that it would. The positive sentiment skews towards younger generations of Millennials and Gen Z. The Boomer demographic remains more skeptical of AI-planned trips, with less than half expecting it to make the trip more enjoyable and less stressful. The suspicion that surrounds the idea of AI-based travel planning stems from distrust as 37% said they would find using the tool to be stressful because they wouldn’t trust AI to accurately plan every detail.

While the doubt may remain for some, there is a large number of travelers who are interested in using AI-based tools to find accommodations that fit their needs and budget. 57% are interested in the use of AI to find hidden gems, attractions and dining options. In fact, a majority 71% of travelers that are interested in using AI to plan their next getaway said they would utilize AI to help find dining or attractions they would otherwise overlook on their own. 

More About the Travel Trend Report 2024:

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Travel Planning with AI

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