7 Tips for Creating an Itinerary for your Next RV Trip

How To Guides and Hacks

What’s the best part of any RV adventure?

Is it the thrill of discovering a brand-new destination for the first time, learning about places and people you’d never imagined? Is it the break in the monotony of day-to-day life, setting aside time to go and do exactly what you want, exactly when you want to? And let’s not forget about the unique magic of simply spending quality, screen-free time with the people you’re closest to, catching up on each others’ lives and creating new memories to share. It could definitely be that.

Or maybe saving 50% on your campground fees with RVshare’s favorite camping club, Passport America.

OK, so, trick question: there’s really no one “best part” of a family RV trip. Camping is simply too awesome to be contained in one simple response.

In other words: It’s all good. But one part, in particular, has an undeniable allure… and you don’t even need to go anywhere to do it.

RV Trip Planning Guide

That’s right, we’re talking about actually planning your road trip itinerary. And for those of us gifted (or cursed?) with a heady mix of wanderlust and a Type-A love of spreadsheets, it’s pretty much the most exciting thing to do outside of actual travel.

And even if you don’t consider yourself a planner, there’s something to be said about sketching out your travels ahead of time. One of the most attractive things about RVing is its flexibility — you’re in total control of where you go, how and when you get there, and what you do once you arrive. So when you sit down to start laying out the blueprints of those plans, it’s super liberating… especially since you know you can change anything you want at the drop of a hat!

That said, it can also be pretty overwhelming to have that much freedom. How do you make sure you create the best RV itinerary possible when you have so many options?

Whether you’re traveling cross country or staying close to home, here are some of our best tips for your next RV road trip planning sesh.

RV Camping Trip Planner

Looking to create an amazing vacation from scratch? Here are some of our best ideas for the eager motorhome trip planner.

1. Pace yourself.

Listen, we get it. There’s a whole lot to see out there — and when all that separates you from it is the open road, it’s easy to get carried away.

But if you try to hit every single stop on the map, you won’t have the time to actually enjoy any of them. And getting burned out and frustrated is *not* the point of taking a vacation.

Instead, pick one or two destinations and give yourself enough time to really explore them. After all, the road isn’t going anywhere… and then you have an excuse to take another vacation (or five)!

2. Be ambitious — but open to revision.

You might be an obsessive-compulsive planner with a binder filled with color-coded spreadsheets… or you might be happier waking up without any clue what the day will hold.

But no matter where you fall on the spectrum, if you’re traveling by RV, you should expect the unexpected. Mishaps and surprises are just part of the experience of travel. So don’t beat yourself up if everything doesn’t go according to plan. Instead, plan for flexibility in the first place!

An RV in the desert in front of sheer rocks

3. Don’t get lost.

We’re all for exploration, but the very last thing you want to do is find yourself asking for driving directions while you’re pulling a camper. Getting lost is a lot different in an RV: it can be difficult to turn around on narrow roads, not to mention all the gas you’ll be consuming!

Luckily, even if you eschew planning an itinerary altogether, it’s easy to avoid getting lost. There are a ton of amazing navigational products on the market these days, including RV-specific GPS systems — like the Garmin RV 760LMT Portable GPS Navigator. Systems like these take RVers’ concerns into consideration, creating routes that are appropriate for oversized vehicles. They also provide helpful information such as RV-specific services and vendors, repair shops, truck stops, and a comprehensive list of nationwide repair and tow facilities.

RV Travel Itinerary

So, planning and mapping logistics aside… where should you actually go in the first place? Here are some RV-friendly travel routes and destinations, whether you’re headed out for a whole month or just a day trip.

4. Eat your way around the world.

Talk about a fantastic idea for an RV trip. What better use of your time than the pursuit of gastronomic pleasure?

Whether it’s a trek to New Orleans for some beignets and chicory coffee, a trip down south for authentic barbecue, or a hike to New York for the best pizza and Chinese food in the country, let your stomach be your guide and go on a culinary pleasure cruise.

5. Listen to the music.

If you haven’t been to a music festival in your RV yet… well, let’s just say you should remedy that situation. It’s one of the most exhilarating ways to camp. You’ll meet amazing people, hear amazing music, and be part of something larger than yourself.

Trust us, you don’t want to miss it. Here are a few great festivals to check out.

6. Work hard, play hard.

Did you know you can actually make money while you’re camping?

Whether you find ways to work from home or take seasonal, “workamping” jobs, if you transform your vacation into an earning opportunity, you can extend indefinitely. Now that’s what we call planning an itinerary.

7. Memory lane awaits.

Obviously, there’s nothing like experiencing a new place for the first time, but there’s also something to be said for revisiting old stomping grounds. If you’re not sure where to go, why not head back to your hometown or the city where you went to college? You might be surprised at how much has changed… but even more so at how much remains the same.

Road Trip Planner for RV

No matter what kind of road trip vacation planner you are or which itinerary you choose, enjoy your RV journey. And don’t forget: many more adventures await!

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