This Grandma Turned A Camper Into The Perfect Guest Room

By Dee Montana
RV Decor & Unusual RVs

Elizabeth had a problem. Her family was growing and they were running out of room to all sleep out at the lake. She thought about adding onto their guest house, but the price was prohibitive.

Then it hit her! She could buy a vintage camper and turn it into a lake bunkhouse. So, for just $800, Elizabeth found “Betty Lou”, an old canned ham trailer perfect for the grandkids.

Betty Lou needed a little love and care to get ready for the grandkids.

  • Step 1: Repair the paint.
  • Step 2: Gut the interior and make bunk beds.
  • Step 3: Add colorful linens and update the kitchen as necessary.
  • Step 4: Change out the old linoleum and install, easy to lay, vinyl plank flooring.
  • Step 5: Add a chalkboard and invite guests!

Elizabeth now has extra sleeping space for the grandkids and they think of it as their own special playhouse! The total cost of interior renovation was $350. Add on a pallet deck and a few lawn chairs and this camper at the lake can’t be beat!

To see more photos visit

What do you think? Have you ever wanted to add a trailer as an extra guest room? Add your thoughts in the comment box below, then share this inspiring story with your friends! Thanks!