10 of the Most Beautiful Places in America

By Jamie Cattanach
Travel Inspiration

Summertime’s in full swing, and it seems like just about everyone is planning — or has already left for — a grand adventure.

As RVers, we’re especially lucky. When the open road beckons, we know we’ll be able to tackle any route with flexibility and convenience. We don’t have to worry about spending the night in a shoddy hotel room or relying on overpriced and less-than-tasty gas station food.

But America’s a big place, and our highway system can take us almost anywhere. It’s a wonderful feeling… but it can also be a little bit overwhelming. When your options are limitless, how do you decide where you should go?

Best Places to Vacation in the US

If you find yourself at a loss while figuring out where to go in America, it’s understandable. Analysis paralysis can get the best of even the wildest adventurer!

But don’t waste your summer stagnating just because you can’t figure out how to pick between the top vacation spots in America.

Travel Destinations USA

There are so many wonderful destinations in the United States, so much beauty waiting for you to go out and taste it. On this magnificent stretch of land we’re lucky enough to live in, it’s pretty hard to go wrong.

And you don’t venture far. If none of the cities and places on this list are within reach for you, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t head to your local state park or the campground in the next town over — there’s most likely incredible natural beauty closer at hand than you think.

For those of us who insist on seeing all the most famous and well-photographed landmarks, however, here’s a collection of bucket list travel destinations from across the US.

Places to Travel in the US

Here are just a few of the best and most beautiful places to see on your next US road trip.

1. Yosemite National Park, California

You don’t have to be a daring free-solo climber to enjoy the gorgeous vistas in this classic camping destination — though Alex Honnold‘s feat certainly is inspiring.

All the recent coverage also means this national park, already a popular summer destination, is likely to be even more crowded than usual. Be sure to book a campsite as soon as you can!

2. Big Sur, California

We promise not all the destinations will be in California. But what can we say — it’s a great big, beautiful state!

And if you haven’t seen the coast that’s inspired writers and artists from Jack Kerouac to the Red Hot Chili Peppers, prepare to be amazed. You’ll quickly understand why we couldn’t skip it on a list of American beauty.

palm trees at Key West

3. Key West, Florida

Although many of the great American road trip destinations are in the west, there’s a lot to be said about the other seaboard.

If sandy beaches and frozen cocktails sound like your kind of getaway, Key West is calling your name.

4. Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona

Yes, this one is so stereotypical it’s basically shorthand for “American road trip.”

But it’s quintessential for a reason. Once you set eyes on the Grand Canyon, you’re inevitably a little bit different — and better off — for the experience.

Plus, there’s ample camping year-round on the canyon’s south rim, and a whole lot of other beautiful sites to see while you’re in Arizona. (Check out our top ten list here.)

5. Olympic National Park, Washington

Ah, the Pacific Northwest.

Where else can you start your day sipping coffee and eating piroshki at a bustling open-air market, only to find yourself mountain climbing or kayaking before the sun sets?

This National Park’s proximity to Seattle makes it the perfect compromise for camping families with both city mice and country mice — and as far as beauty goes, it’s hard to beat.

6. Niagara Falls, New York (or  Canada)

Spoiler alert: These impressive falls actually aren’t one of the seven wonders of the world. But it’s no surprise the mistake is so common.

An average of four million cubic feet of water flow over the edge every single minute, and sometimes even more. To put that figure in perspective, the number of cubic feet in a standard bathtub… is eight.

a geyser in the snow at Yellowstone National Park

7. Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Here’s another one you’ve doubtless already seen on some other list of popular vacations.

But it’s not every day that you see steam rising from the ground beneath your feet or have the chance to encounter critters ranging from elk to wolves to grizzly bears.

There’s a reason this stretch of land inspired us to come up with the National Park system in the first place. It truly is a not-to-be-missed experience, and well worth taking on a temporary “tourist” label.

8. Crater Lake National Park, Oregon

I’ll never forget my first trip to Crater Lake. As I stared down into the incredible well of water, the woman next to me said to her husband, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen that color before.”

She was right. The lake resulting from this volcano’s extinction is absolutely technicolor… and a total must-see.

9. White Sands National Monument, New Mexico

Photo courtesy of Jamie Cattanach

Think there’s no such thing as a beach in the desert?

Well, maybe it’s not waterfront — but the dunes at White Sands National Monument are arguably more fun than the ones along even the trendiest coastline. You can also zip down them by sled, which is even more fun than it sounds like.

And since this gypsum sand field doubles as a military testing range, there’s a fascinating and educational missile museum nearby to check out, too.

10. Denali National Park, Alaska

If you’re going to take on an Alaskan RV trip, you’d better get going. It’s a lengthy drive, even if you’re starting as far in the northwest as possible!

But the tenacious travelers who take on this journey are rewarded with some of the most breathtaking and surreal views in the world, let alone the country.

Places to Visit in America

Even a longer list of road trip routes would merely scratch the surface of America’s points of interest. Not only are there endless natural wonders to see in the US, but also an array of stunning and vibrant cities to visit.

Fortunately, we RVers are driven by a sense of curiosity and wonder, and we know that you don’t have to go very far at all to find the perfect destination.

In fact, sometimes, the most beautiful place to be in America is right in your own backyard.