How to Sell Your RV: The Dos and Don’ts of Selling Your RV

By Megan Buemi
How To Guides and Hacks

When it’s finally time to sell your RV you have many options; like trading it in on a new rig, selling it to a wholesaler or dealer, selling it on a consignment lot through a broker, or selling it privately. All these options have pros and cons, but if you know what you’re doing, selling your RV privately may be the most lucrative option.

There are also many variables to consider in the process of selling an RV, like: your location, the time of year, the type of RV, the age and condition of your rig, and how quickly you need to sell it.

But regardless of these options and variables, there are some hard and fast dos and don’ts that you’ll need to follow when you’re getting ready to sell your recreational vehicle.

The Don’ts of Selling an RV

Let’s start with the don’ts. This is where many sellers undermine their own best efforts to sell their RV.

Don’t Hide Anything or Be Deceptive

Don’t be deceptive and try to hide defects in your RV. If there’s water or body damage, then show it in the pictures and disclose it in your description. Don’t spin the facts. If you parked your rig outdoors for several years don’t try to spin it, or sugarcoat it. Buyers deserve the whole truth. 

Remember, buyers don’t like surprises or deception. If they are interested in your offer but discover that you are hiding something they won’t trust you, and the deal will be harder, if not impossible, to close.

Don’t Overprice or Underprice the RV

Don’t overprice your RV because you think you’ve successfully hidden defects or damage. If you’re honest about its condition, then you can be completely candid when answering questions posed by a prospective buyer. On the other hand, don’t undervalue your RV, because it makes buyers question if there are undisclosed defects. 

Not sure what your RV is worth? Find its true value.

Don’t Accept Personal Checks

When it’s time to complete the sale don’t accept a personal check or provide the buyer with your banking information. If the buyer needs to do a wire transfer, that can be accomplished without you divulging your bank information. 

Don’t feel comfortable with a wire transfer or cashier’s check? With National Vehicle, you don’t have to wonder if a cashier’s check is bogus. Instead, the sale will be managed by professionals and payment will be placed directly in your bank account, removing worry from the picture. 

The Dos of Selling an RV

Now let’s address the dos to help a private party sell an RV. 

Do Sell at the Right Time of Year

One common-sense thing to keep in mind when you’re preparing to sell your RV is the season. Trying to sell your RV between Thanksgiving and Christmas when the rig is covered in snow, is probably not going to be a successful venture. But if you and your RV are in Arizona, Florida, Southern California, or Texas, then selling it in the dead of winter might be the perfect time.

Do Sell at a Realistic Price

When you’re preparing to sell your RV, you’ll need to do some research to determine what the actual market value is for your RV. Pricing it too high or too low will negatively impact your sales efforts, so make sure you get it right!

Do Commit to Transparency 

Disclose everything positive and negative about your RV. Tell the complete story of your RV’s history honestly, with candor and transparency.  Be willing to answer questions and send additional pictures if a buyer has questions. The more transparent you are, the more potential buyers will trust you, which will expedite the sale.

If you can, provide an inspection report. National Vehicle can help with this using a network of independent inspectors. They send an inspector to your location to assess the real-time condition of your RV and to file a report.  That inspection gives both the buyer and any financial institution involved confidence that your RV is correctly described, and that the valuation is fair and accurate.

Do Prepare Your RV for Sale

Clean the inside and outside of the RV. 

  • Make all repairs you can afford. 
  • Remove your personal property and prepare the rig to be transferred to a new owner. 
  • Write a complete description and include it in your advertising. 
  • If there are operational anomalies that a new buyer needs to know, document those operational steps. 
  • If you own the RV outright, locate the title so you’re ready to make the transfer of ownership after receiving payment.

Do Take Good Photos

Photos are an incredibly important part of any RV listing. Use the tips below to the ideal RV listing photos. 

  • Put things away and stage the RV for photography. 
  • Use good lighting.  
  • Take pictures of everything from one end of the RV to the other, on the inside and the outside. 
  • Show the best features of your RV as well as any defects and issues.
  • Open the basement doors or engine compartment, take high-quality pictures of the galley, bedroom, bathroom, driver’s area, tires, awning, furniture, floor, slides, and roof. 
  • If your rig is a truck camper, then take pictures of it on the truck and as a free-standing camper.

Remember that your buyer may be thousands of miles away, and your pictures and description are all they have to help them make a purchasing decision.

Do Advertise Your RV for Sale

Advertise your RV in all the popular places where buyers look for RVs. Local advertising through sites like craigslist is a good start, but the wider you broadcast your offer the sooner it will sell. Use well-known national RV publications to reach the broadest audience. 

Do Consult Professionals

You may only sell one or two RVs in your lifetime, but there are professional organizations that help private sellers sell their RVs every day. 

If you’re unsure of all the steps; where to advertise, how to create and place an ad, how to arrange for a vehicle inspection, and how to safely complete a sale if the buyer isn’t local, consult professionals who know exactly how to handle all these steps and who will assist you through the process.  

There’s no reason for you to reinvent the wheel! Do seek professional help to expedite the sale of your RV. Connect with a company that will help you successfully sell your RV.

Or Rent Instead

If you aren’t ready to sell, but can’t afford your RV or if your rig is taking longer to sell than you thought it might, there is also the option of renting it out. This will help lighten the financial load that comes along with RV ownership until the time comes to part with your rig.