New Year’s Resolutions: RV Edition

How Tos & Tips

Bum, bum, bum… another one bites the dust.

Another year, that is. And we don’t know about you all, but we can’t believe it’s already time to buy a new wall calendar and planner. We’re about to embark on 2018!

No matter how 2017 treated you, its end is nigh — and that means it’s the perfect time to get serious about creating some New Year’s resolutions. A fresh start can inspire us to finally make those changes we’ve been talking about for months, whether it’s revamping our unhealthy diet or finally getting serious about quitting smoking.

But for travelers like us, there are some unique New Year’s resolutions that are actually fun to keep — so much so that they don’t feel like work in the slightest.

From creating a travel bucket list to learning how to boondock, here are some realistic New Year’s resolutions for RVers to take on in 2018.

New Year’s Resolutions You Can Keep

Many of us suddenly find ourselves taking our third “rest day” in a row by mid-February, coming up with any excuse in the book not to use our newly-purchased gym membership. Or maybe that once-pristine grocery haul has suddenly given way to a bag or two of Cheetos.

Taking a gander at New Year’s resolution statistics reveals we’re not alone in these premature failures. No wonder there’s a huge industry of gadgets, gizmos, and guides designed to help us complete these Herculean tasks! From “craving crushing” aromatherapy inhalers to help smokers kick the habit to weight-loss supplements and diet books promising to speed up your metabolism, it sure seems like most of us struggle to stick to our decisions.

But if you’re wondering how on Earth to actually keep your New Year’s resolutions this year, we have a surprising secret: It’s easy to stay the course when you’re actually enjoying the consequences!

The very best way to keep New Year’s resolutions is to set realistic, reasonable goals in the first place… and bonus points if they have actually come with exciting, tangible benefits.

That’s why travel goals are a good place to start if you’re looking for New Year’s resolution ideas. I mean, who doesn’t want to incorporate more travel into their life? And who doesn’t absolutely adore the process of doing so?

Examples of Travel Goals

So. Ready to turn 2018 into an incredible adventure?

Here are some examples of travel goals to set this year that are both fun and fulfilling.

Create a Travel Bucket List

There’s a great big world out there, and it’s impossible to see all of it… so you best get to making a list of the destinations you absolutely don’t want to miss! Then, put some due dates on a few of them. After all, a goal without a deadline is just a wish.

Plus, it’s fun to pin your travels or scratch them off on fun travel maps like the one pictured above, which you can get for less than $30 on Amazon. (It’s also a great stocking stuffer for your favorite adventurer!)

Try Out a New Campground

Hey, we get it. You find a campground you like, and you already know what to expect as far as amenities and pricing. It’s easy to get stuck in a rut, continually going back to the same place.

But you could be missing out on experiencing your next favorite campground! So instead of hitting all the family favorites this year, take time to put a new one on your list. We love the Jellystone Park campground resorts, which offer a huge list of amenities and themed activities perfect to keep the kids entertained and happy. Plus, there are over 80 family-run Jellystone Parks across the U.S. and Canada, so there’s bound to be one nearby your preferred destination!

A woman wrapped in a blanket, standing next to an RV

Get Off-Grid for the First Time

Resort campgrounds are wonderful, of course, but there’s just something about boondocking that can’t be articulated unless you’ve done it. The closeness with nature, the freedom from technology, the beautiful silence of the mornings punctuated only with birdsong… if you haven’t yet, make 2018 the year you give it a try. (Here are some of our best tips on how to do it!)

Join a Travel Club

Everything’s better with some like-minded friends. Whether you join up with a nationwide caravan like Sisters on the Fly or just go in for a Passport America membership, you’ll not only meet amazing new people but also benefit from exclusive savings and other membership benefits.

Try a New Form of Transportation

Don’t get us wrong, we’re totally sold on the RVing lifestyle… but there are a whole lot of other ways to move around this great big world of ours!

If you’ve never traveled internationally, maybe it’s time to book some flights. Or perhaps 2018 will be the year you finally take that summer cruise you’ve been dreaming of. Enjoy the experience of a brand-new kind of journey — after all, getting there is more than half the fun!

How to Achieve Your Travel Goals

Once you’re done setting a list of your ultimate travel goals, it’s time to get serious about making them happen.

One of the most important ways to make that happen is to include deadlines on all your resolutions. Make them realistic; give yourself the time you need to secure the funds and freedom to get to your next destination. But don’t just make a list without any time commitments, or you may find it doing nothing but collecting dust all year!

Travel Goals Bucket List

So, excited for a year’s worth of travels — and to finally keep some resolutions?

We do have one more note that’ll help you make sure you go more places and experience more exciting new things this year than ever before.

For most RVers, the cost can be a limiting factor when it comes to deciding to take on a new destination or even just revisit an old favorite. That’s why we recommend every camper become a part of Passport America, where your membership will score you a 50% discount on your campsite accommodation fees at almost 1900 campgrounds nationwide.

Hey, if you can afford to travel more, you will travel more — and afford to do more fun stuff while you’re at it. You do want to keep those resolutions, right?

Happy New Year!

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