All About RV Hook Ups: What you Need to Know

By Megan Buemi
How To Guides and Hacks

One of the big perks of RVing is being able to use water and electricity whenever you want! No camping without showering for days, especially if you’re in a campground with RV hookups.

You can certainly boondock without hookups, but camping with RV hookups means you can use as much power and water as you need without worrying that you might run out. If you have sewer hookups, you also don’t need to worry about filling up your waste water tank.

RV hookups are convenient, but there are a few basics to know before you head out for the first time! If this is your first time hooking up (ahem), here are a few tips.

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Main RV Hookups

The RV hookups available to you will depend on what kind of park you’re staying in. Privately owned, resort-style campgrounds usually offer a full array of RV hookups including water, power, and sewer. More modest public campgrounds may offer some, but not all amenities. Others may only offer 30 amps of power (as opposed to the 50 amps a large Class A motorhome might draw).

We’ll talk more about how to find great campgrounds with full hookups in a moment – and even save you some money. But for now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty.

RV Hookups Explained

There are three basic RV hookups that take care of the “essentials.” There are also a few extras that may or may not be offered depending on the poshness of your campground.

Let’s start with the basics.

RV Electric Hookup

If an RV park is going to offer any kind of hookup, it’s likely to be this one: shore power.

When it comes to RV electric hookups, it is pretty much as simple as plug-and-play. However, it’s important to power down all your electronics before you do so, in case the campground’s power source has faulty wiring that could fry your electronics. You can also invest in a polarity tester to ease your mind before you plug in. Finally, you can route your devices through surge protectors like you might at home.

Another important note: RVs draw different amounts of power, or amps, depending on their size and design. Your rig might come with a 30 amp plug (three prongs) or a 50 amp plug (four prongs). You may need to invest in a converter if the site where you’re staying doesn’t offer an exact match. Keep in mind that if you can only draw 30 amps of power, you’ll need to use fewer electronics at once.

RV Water Hookup

Next on the list: water. With an RV water hookup, you can run your kitchen and bathroom sinks, flush your toilet, and even shower without worrying about using up your fresh water supply. However, when you go to connect your hose, there are a few things you should know.

First, if you’re planning on drinking your tap water, or even brushing your teeth with it, it’s wise to invest in a certified potable water hose, which won’t impart any funky odors or flavors. The good news is, a drinking water hose is easy to spot – it’s always pure white in color!

Other accessories that’ll protect your RV’s plumbing and improve your water quality include a water pressure regulator and a filter system.

RV Sewer Hookup

While some campgrounds offer RV sewer hookups at each site, many opt for a centralized dump station. Dump stations are easier for the park to manage and are often easier for campers, too. You never want to leave your holding tank valves open, and you should plan on dumping your tank about once a week or so. This is about how often most campers pick up and move anyway!

No matter which options your campground offers, be sure to invest in a high-quality RV sewer hose. That’s one piece of equipment you don’t want any trouble with!

RV Hookup Sites

Of course, not all campgrounds have hookups. Some have none at all.

And campsites that do have full RV hookups can be expensive, running $75 per night or more, depending on when and where you’re traveling.

A Passport America membership will get you 50% off your campsite accommodation fees at almost 1900 RV parks across the USA, Mexico, and Canada. Many of those parks offer luxurious amenities and full hookups. At less than $50 for your whole year’s membership, it might even pay for itself the first time you use it.

RV Hookup FAQs

Here are some common questions that many campers have about their RV hookups.

Can I Plug My RV Into My Dryer Outlet?

Your dryer outlet looks like it takes the same plug as your RV plug. Can you just interchange them and plug both things into the same outlets?

No. You can’t.

The plugs may look the same, but they handle different amounts of voltage. Plugging your RV into your dryer outlet will damage your batteries, could damage the electrical system in your house, and, in the worst case, could start a fire.

However, there are some solutions that will allow you to use your home electricity to charge your RV.

What’s the Difference Between an RV and a Dryer Plug?

RV plugs and dryer plugs look very similar, but they have some key differences. Your dryer was designed to run off of household electricity. Power companies provide households with 240 volts at the main electric panel, where the voltage for your appliances is divided into three different circuit feeds. One feed is 240 volts, and powers your electric range in your kitchen, if you have one, and your dryer. One feed is 120 volts and powers lights, wall plugs, toasters, and other small appliances. The final feed is a 120-volt ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) which keeps you safe from malfunctioning electrical devices by shutting off electricity to protect you from shocks.

To keep you from accidentally plugging your dryer or electric range plug into a 120-volt outlet when they need 240 volts to operate, manufacturers make those plugs larger.

For most RVs to charge, they need a 120-volt AC plug with 30 amp service. Because the RV plug is larger, it’s easy to make the mistake of thinking it could be plugged into an electric range or dryer outlet. However, as you can see, the dryer outlet has twice as many volts, which is why plugging it in there would ruin your batteries and possibly your electrical system at home.

Can I plug my 30 amp RV into my house?

You can’t simply plug your 30 amp RV straight into your dryer outlet or other outlets in your house. However, there are special adaptors you can get that will allow you to charge at home. You’ll need a 50- or at the very least a 30-amp hookup since the normal outlets at your home won’t supply enough power. Look for a 30/50 amp hookup, which is an adaptor you plug into your 3-prong wall outlet. You can then plug your RV into an extension cord and into the adaptor to charge your RV.

You’ll also want to keep your extension cord as short as you can – the longer the cord is, the more chance there is of it overheating.

Can I hook up a 30 amp RV to a 50 amp?

Although you can’t usually plug your RV straight into your house, one exception is that Class A motorhomes tend to operate on 50 amps. That translates to needing 240 volts of power, and you can plug those RVs into your dryer outlet. It may not work quite as well, because it’s very possible your house panels can’t provide the electrical draw your rig needs.

But what if you have a 30-amp RV? Can you plug that into a home outlet?

With a few adjustments, yes, you can. One, as we discussed above, is to get a 30/50 amp adaptor to plug into your wall. If your building code allows, you can also hire an electrician to install a 30 or 50-amp receptacle near your RV. You can then charge your motorhome just like you would at a campground.

If you choose to use an adaptor as we discussed above, you need to follow these steps to safely install and use it at home:

  • Determine whether your RV is configured for 30 or 50 amps. Check your RV owner’s manual, or look at the male plug – if it has 3 prongs, it’s 30 amps. If it has 4, it runs on 50 amps.
  • Turn off all appliances, lighting, and anything else in your RV that requires electricity
  • Turn off your circuit breakers
  • Attach the 30 or 50-amp adaptor to your home electrical system by plugging it in
  • Plug the extension cord into the adaptor plugged into your home outlet, then plug into the RV power
  • Reset the circuit breaker
  • Try to avoid using appliances in the RV while it is charging.

If you like to return home and charge up for your next trip, the small amount of time and effort you spend to adapt your electrical system to handle charging an RV could be worth it! You might also want to consider installing RV hookups on your property if you store your RV there and require power or water often.