RVshare is committed to keeping travelers safe. We know how important it is that you are well taken care of while on vacation, and we make a point of ensuring your health and finances return home in tip-top shape. Currently, this is done in two ways: by offering a “low contact” vacation option, and through our usual safe rental guarantee.
In this article we will discuss the safety measures provided by our rental platform so you can rent with confidence, knowing you are well taken care of.

Low-Contact Vacations
During this time, staying distant from others is the best thing you can do. That said, nobody wants to miss out on a summer getaway if they don’t have to. As it happens, an RV is the very best way to get away from it all without breaking social distancing guidelines.
Why an RV is Best
Staying in an RV means you have your own kitchen, bathroom, and living area, removing the need to share common areas during travel. Rental RVs also tend to be cleaned more thoroughly after each use, helping protect you further.
Road tripping means you won’t need to use an airplane, bus, or another type of public transport, and choosing to camp means there will be plenty of safe outdoor activities to take part in.
Clearly, an RV is the way to go for your vacation this year. In fact, heading out to explore nature with your family might even be safer and better for your health than staying at home, in some cases.

Keeping Travelers Safe with Rental Guarantee
We mentioned above that the second way we keep our renters safe is through our rental guarantee. Just as choosing an RV rental protects your health, our guarantee ensures your finances are also protected.
How It Works
The rental guarantee includes fraud screenings that verify accounts to keep your transactions safe. In case someone does slip past those screenings, we also include payment protection that ensures your payment is protected against fraud.
On the rare occasion an RV owner must cancel a booking, we provide helpful re-booking assistance to help your trip go on as planned. If an RV is misrepresented online and won’t work for you, we find you something else ASAP. Lastly, we provide damage deposit protection, meaning if an owner wrongfully withholds your deposit, we will assist by mediating the dispute.
On top of all these great protections, our dedicated support team is here to help you, always. Reach out to our support team here or 1-888-482-0234.

Safe Travel Tips
Now that you see that booking an RV through RVshare is the safest option for vacationing this year, let’s talk about additional ways you can stay safe during your travel adventures. Below we’ve included some suggestions for limiting the spread of COVID-19, as well as some more general travel safety tips.
Maintain Social Distancing
A vacation should be as carefree as possible. That said, being on vacation doesn’t remove the threat posed by the virus. Therefore, it is highly important that you maintain social distancing by avoiding crowded places and using the facilities in your RV whenever possible.
Travel Local
Because it is so important that we not spread the virus to new places, and because it’s important to have access to your own doctor should you become sick, traveling local is the best option right now. Fortunately, there are likely plenty of awesome things to see in your home state!
Play Outside
Outdoor activities are the safest entertainment option at the moment. This means attractions such as lesser known beaches, hiking trails, and state and national parks should be on your to-do list, and museums and theme parks should be saved for another trip.
Use a Mask
If you do find yourself needing to go into a store or gas station, be sure to don a mask. No, they aren’t the most comfortable things in the world, but they are one of the only things we currently have to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Clean, Clean, Clean
Cleaning is another way we can protect ourselves and our loved ones. Therefore, you will want to wash your hands as often as possible. Luckily, this is easy when you have an RV (and therefore a sink) with you everywhere you go. (Find our RV cleaning tips here!)
Of course, carrying some hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes to clean things like gas pumps and water spigots won’t hurt.
Choose Delivery
You will need to stock up on groceries, and may even want to order from a restaurant or two during your getaway. That said, eating out is still not the safest route to go, and even going to the grocery store can be risky.
Instead of going in anywhere, try ordering delivery or curbside pickup. This will help contain the virus and make your vacation a little more relaxing.
Take a Buddy
Traveling 100% alone can be fun in its own way, but it isn’t exactly the safest thing to do. While having a buddy (or a few) won’t protect you from COVID-19, it could protect you in a number of other ways. Therefore, we always recommend traveling with others, and during this time, those others should be members of your own household.
Keep Your Phone Handy
While traveling, always have your phone charged and handy. You never know when you might need to call emergency services or the authorities, and even tasks such as finding directions are easier with a charged smartphone. If your phone doesn’t tend to hold a charge well, consider grabbing an external battery before you leave home.
Go Easy on the Cash
While you will want to have some cash available for emergencies, paying with a card is a much safer way to go. This allows you to cancel the card should it be lost or stolen, protecting your finances and potentially saving your trip.
Lock Things Up
Campgrounds are generally pretty safe places. Still, it’s always a good idea to lock up the RV when you go out, even if only for a little while. You will also want to lock your vehicle, and if you plan to leave expensive items (such as bikes) outdoors, you may want to consider getting locks for them as well.
Download Weather Apps
Severe weather can be dangerous, especially in an RV. Fortunately, there are a number of weather apps out there that can provide emergency alerts should a tornado or severe storm be headed your way. Download a couple of these apps beforehand, and make sure to set notifications to “on”.
Check-In with Friends and Family
Last but not least, you will want to make sure to communicate with friends and family. Let them know where you’re headed and where you end up each day—that way, if you need help, they know better where to find you.
Knowing that you’ll be safe and well protected, you can now book your RV vacation with confidence. What local spot will you choose to explore?