6 Helpful Homeschooling Tips

How Tos & Tips

two children sit at the table in an RVAt this point, parents across the nation have added a new profession to their resume: teacher.

Parents are racking their brains trying to remember those math equations from 3rd grade, or thinking of creative ways to incorporate gym and art class into their days. Juggling working from home with teaching children of various ages is a balancing act, to say the least. But it can be done. In order to help, we’ve put together some tips and borrowed some helpful ideas from our friends at The Wanderpreneurs.

The Wanderpreneurs are a family of four who travels full-time in an RV and are no strangers to homeschooling their kids. Here are some ways to adapt to this new way of life and make the most of it.

The outdoors aren’t just for exploring.

Getting the kids outside can not only do wonders for helping them burn off that pent up energy, it can also be a great learning opportunity! It’s a wonderful way for them to use their imaginations, build, and play. Plus you could always teach them about local plants, or try identifying some native birds!

Let their interests be your guide.

While many kids that are out of their schools only temporarily are likely following an actual curriculum, think about creative ways to teach some of those topics. Talk about the local history of where you live or places you’d like to travel to. Get up close and personal with science and biology by exploring a nearby creek or pond.

Read, read, read.

When it seems like other subjects might be impossible to cover, pick up a book! Reading together builds vocabulary, improves listening skills and is an excellent way to bond with your kids.

Take breaks.

Teaching from home is never going to be the same as a day in school. Good luck getting your kids to sit at the kitchen table for 8 hours! Take breaks, get some fresh air, or go for walks. It’s easy for parents and kids to get frustrated with one another, and it’s important to take the space needed to get everyone in a good headspace for learning.

Find support.

It’s a weird time, and you’re not in this alone! Lean on friends who are also navigating these waters and share and swap tips. Your children’s teachers will also be happy to help make this adjustment as smooth as possible, and remember, they are learning on the go as well!

There’s an educational video for everything!

You can find educational videos online on almost any topic! Whether it’s an alternative way for your kids to learn, or you need your own refresher, these videos can be really helpful. We just recommend that you review them first
to be safe.

Now that you’ve had a taste of the homeschool life, you know you could do it from anywhere! Turn an RV into your school on wheels and never have a shortage of new places to discover and learn about. We’re sending happy thoughts to all the parents out there…you got this!