The Top 4 Scenic Byways in Vermont

By Greg Phillips
Scenic Byways

New England road trips are synonymous with fall colors. And while there’s no arguing that this part of the world is outrageously vibrant for a few weeks each autumn, the rest of the year it shines, too. After all, one of these New England states is nicknamed the Green Mountain State. In Vermont, the deep emerald hues of spring and summer mean it’s equally colorful but less crowded and not as expensive as peak leaf peeping season. The Green Mountain State is petit and rural. It ranks as the seventh smallest state and second least populated after Wyoming. If you love peaceful road trips with waterfalls, maple syrup, covered bridges, old churches and charming towns, Vermont’s scenic byways provide the experience.

The Top 4 Scenic Byways in Vermont include:

  1. Scenic Route 100
  2. Green Mountain
  3. Lake Champlain
  4. Southern Vermont: includes Molly Stark, The Shires of Vermont and Stone Valley state byways

Scenic Route 100

170 miles, not including several short side trips to ski areas

Vermont Route 100 runs through the middle of the state from Massachusetts to Canada. With forests, mountains, ski resorts, hiking trails and classic New England towns, to drive it means to experience the essence of Vermont. Officially, the state breaks VT 100 into three scenic byways. This story covers the route north from Massachusetts to Waterbury and I-89. The itinerary after this one, Green Mountain (below), follows VT 100 from Waterbury to Quebec.

VT 100 starts in southwestern Vermont, about 50 miles east of Albany, New York and 65 miles northwest of Springfield, Massachusetts, the closest big cities. From the state line and Stamford, VT 100 is paired with VT 8 for the first eight miles. VT 100 then splits off, heading south and east through Green Mountain National Forest. It’s 13 miles to Jacksonville where the byway starts the long trek north through the heart of Vermont. About 1.5 miles north of Jacksonville is Sprague & Son Sugarhouse, an appropriate first stop because a visit to Vermont isn’t complete without maple. This traditional sugarhouse boils sap into syrup mid-March through mid- to late April and offers year-round tours and tastings. Maple products for purchase include syrup, candy, nuts, spread and granulated sugar.

Wilmington is another five miles north, offering coffeehouses, camping and groceries. This is also where Scenic Route 100 intersects the east-to-west Molly Stark Byway and our tour of Southern Vermont, see below. From Wilmington, VT 100 moves north into the Green Mountains, a very old chain of peaks that are part of the Appalachians. This is the start of Vermont’s ski country and Mount Snow is the first resort along the route, offering golf, scenic chairlift rides and mountain biking in the summer. An enjoyable aspect of Vermont road trips is that it’s a concentrated experience. Every crook in the road provides a beautiful vista, produce stand, covered bridge, church steeple, craft shop or brewery. You’ll find many of these as you pass through West Dover, the town outside Mount Snow. From this ski area, it’s six miles to the turnoff for Stratton Mountain, another large winter resort with plenty of summertime activities. 

Back on VT 100, the byway passes through Wardsboro and then onto Jamaica where Jamaica State Park lies on a bend of the West River. The deep, slow-running water is prime trout territory so the park attracts anglers as well as swimmers, hikers and bikers. A six-mile roundtrip trail leads from the campground to Hamilton Falls, one of Vermont’s largest waterfalls.

From Jamaica, go 10 miles north on VT 100 to Grandma Miller’s Pies and Pastries, a gratifying sweet tooth stop. You’re south of Londonderry so continue north of town to another roadside attraction. Inside a restored historic barn Lasser Ceramics creates bowls, plates, pitchers, vases, candlesticks and more that radiate with color.

Weston lies about five miles north and is the epitome of quaintness with a village green, historic buildings and several must-sees. The Old Mill Museum occupies a photogenic spot on the West River. Though the mill retired long ago, it’s still one of the few functioning hydro-powered mills in New England. The museum gives milling demonstrations. Nearby, The Vermont Country Store has been in business since 1946. Family-owned, it’s run by seventh and eighth generation Vermonters who are fourth and fifth generation storekeepers. The company has two locations in Vermont; this is the flagship general store with clothing, bedding, kitchenware, beauty products and candy. The Weston Theater Company has been putting on shows for more than 85 years, attracting top talent from Vermont, Broadway and around the world. 

VT 100 then winds for ten miles through hills and valleys to Ludlow, a tourist-friendly town at the base of Okemo, another ski resort where mountain biking and golf are warmer weather activities. There’s also the Timber Ripper Mountain Coaster which operates summer and winter.

VT 100 then follows the shorelines of Lake Rescue, Echo Lake and Amherst Lake where you’ll pass by Green Mountain Sugar House, another stop for maple goods. Camp Plymouth State Park offers group camping, boating, swimming and fishing. It’s also popular for gold panning.

Another beloved state park lies six miles north on VT 100 where a right turn leads to VT 100A. Four miles more and you’re at Coolidge State Park, a rustic setting with mountain views that some campers consider the best in Vermont. Hiking, fishing, birding and wildlife spotting for fox, deer, moose and bear are the main activities. Calvin Coolidge was born and grew up in nearby Plymouth Notch. He’s also buried there. The President Calvin Coolidge State Historic Site preserves the homes of the Coolidge family as well as the 1924 Summer White House office, a church, schoolhouse, post office and barns. While visiting family in August 1923, Vice President Coolidge learned that President Warren G. Harding had unexpectedly died. As the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation describes the middle of the night scene, “By the light of a kerosene lamp, his father, who was a notary public, administered the oath of office as Coolidge placed his hand on the family Bible.” You can enjoy another slice of history at Plymouth Artisan Cheese where the factory began making “America’s Oldest Cheddar” in 1890. It closed in 1934 and then was revived by President Coolidge’s son, John in 1960. Today, cheesemaker Jesse Werner follows the original 19th century granular curd cheddar recipe.

Back on VT 100, it’s five miles to the intersection of US 4 where the two highways merge as they follow the Ottauquechee River north. Go another five miles to the turnoff for Killington Resort. A once-bustling textile industry has now evolved into a flourishing tourism business and you won’t find a bigger player in Vermont than the “Beast of the East,” Killington is the largest ski resort in the eastern U.S. Summer and fall activities include golf, scenic gondola rides, the Beast Mountain Coaster and Skye Ropes Course. The Killington Bike Park has more than 30 miles of trails accessed by three high-speed lifts. Parking lot camping is free in the summer.

A mile after the Killington Resort turnoff, VT 100 parts ways with US 4 and continues north. Look for Gifford Woods State Park to the left. With one of the few remaining old-growth hardwood tree stands in Vermont, the park is particularly stunning during fall color season. It’s also a major hiking destination as demonstrated by the Appalachian Trail passing through the park on its way from Georgia to Maine. 

Following the Green Mountain National Forest boundary and White River, the byway meanders another 18 miles to Rochester. Sugar Mama’s, Pumpkin Patch Bed & Breakfast, Maple Soul farm to table restaurant and BigTown Gallery are local businesses that add plenty of Vermont character to the town.

Farms, eye-catching barns and dense foliage shading the byway define the next several miles. At Hancock, turn left onto VT 125 for a short drive west to Texas Falls. Continuing north from Hancock on VT 100, in seven miles look for Moss Glen Falls to the left with a parking and viewing area. Then, VT 100 reaches the Mad River, following it up the valley past Warren Falls, a popular swimming hole, to the tiny town of Warren and the much-loved Warren Store, where you can pick up clothing, gifts, wine, deli sandwiches and coffee.

The Mad River Valley is also where you’ll find another major ski area, Sugarbush, and its many summer activities similar to the earlier resorts located along the byway. VT 100 is called “Vermont’s Main Street” and this section, also called the Mad River Byway, includes Sugarbush and the town of Waitsfield. It really accentuates the nickname with lush mountain scenery and local shops like Lawson’s Finest Liquids craft brewery, von Trapp Farmstead artisan cheese and Mad River Glass Gallery. Spanning from the early 1900s to present day, the Madsonian Museum of Industrial Design houses more than 2,000 of the “best designed and most artistic manufactured objects.” The collection includes cars, bikes, motorcycles, toys, canoes, radios and typewriters. The town also features Waitsfield Covered Bridge (also known as Great Eddy Bridge) and Pine Brook Covered Bridge, both picture-worthy drive-thrus. Connecting several communities, the Mad River Path is a network of trails and boardwalks built for walking, hiking, running, biking and various winter sports like cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. 

It’s another 12 miles through farmland to Waterbury and I-89. The end of Scenic Route 100 is the start of the Green Mountain Byway, as portrayed in our next entry.

Green Mountain

110 miles, not including side trips to the Auto Toll Road or Underhill, Elmore and Green River Reservoir state parks

A good starting point for this byway is Camel’s Hump State Park, located south of I-89 some 26 miles east of Burlington and 20 miles west of Montpelier. Called “Tah-wak-be-dee-ee-wadso” or Saddle Mountain by the Waubanaukee people and documented as “Camel’s Rump” on a 1798 map, the distinctive shape of 4,083-foot-high Camel’s Hump makes it one of Vermont’s most recognizable mountains. While primitive camping is allowed, the prime attractions are the hiking trails and impressive views. 

From Camel’s Rump, it’s eight miles to Waterbury where the Green Mountain Byway picks up the story from Scenic Route 100, above. Named for Vermont’s famous mountain range, this byway explores the northern reaches of the Green Mountains. It follows VT 100, VT 108 and VT 15. We’ll then complete the journey on VT 100 to the highway’s end, just south of the Canadian border.  

More than 200 buildings from the 19th century make up the Waterbury Village Historic District. Many are homes but you’ll find restaurants, gift shops and sporting goods stores, too. Nearby, Waterbury Center State Park includes a large lake for swimming, fishing, boating and kayaking. It has 27 remote campsites which you can only reach by paddle. The adjacent Little River State Park shares Waterbury Reservoir and has a large, popular campground. Waterbury is also where you’ll find Ben & Jerry’s first ice cream factory, built in 1985. The facility churns out some 350,000 pints per day and has guided tours, a scoop shop and Flavor Graveyard where headstones memorialize dearly departed concoctions. From Ben & Jerry’s, follow VT 100 a couple of miles north to Cold Hollow Cider Mill for fresh-pressed apple cider, hard cider and cider donuts. 

It’s ten minutes more to Stowe, one of Vermont’s most famous towns. It’s small but packed with breweries, galleries, cafes and cuteness. Built in classic New England colonial style, the white-steeped Stowe Community Church was completed in 1863. The Green Mountain Inn has been a cozy place to stay since 1833. And while The Current is headquartered in a restored age-old building, its indoor art exhibits and outdoor sculpture show are quite contemporary.

Snowliage Vermont Mountains. High quality photo. In a short transition season as fall creeps into winter, you'll find the dramatic snowliage scene in Vermont where snow covers the tallest peaks of the Green Mountains (Mt Mansfield, Camel's Hump, Mt Ellen) with the vibrant colors of the fall foliage still hugging the waistline of the mountains.

From Stowe, the Green Mountain Byway veers off VT 100 and heads west on VT 108. Ahead lies 4,393-foot-high Mount Mansfield, Vermont’s highest peak. Just off VT 108 is the Trapp Family Lodge. The Sound of Music is based on their story. While the musical takes place in Europe, the von Trapp family toured the U.S. as the Trapp Family Singers in the 1940s. Then, they settled in Stowe and opened an Austrian-style lodge. Today, the resort offers accommodation, dining and numerous outdoor activities.

Back on VT 108, it’s four miles to the Auto Toll Road, a meandering nine-mile roundtrip drive up Mount Mansfield that’s been scaring drivers and passengers since 1923. While the expensive fee is as steep as the road, on a clear day you can see all the way to Lake Champlain and New York’s Adirondack Mountains. The road is open late May to mid-October and there are hiking trails at the top. However, there are a lot of restrictions. No trailers, RVs, campers or vans converted to RVs are allowed. And you can’t ride bikes, motorcycles, mopeds or scooters either.

From the Auto Toll Road entrance, it’s less than a mile to the Bingham Falls trailhead and a short, moderate hike to the waterfall. The nearby Smugglers’ Notch State Park has a campground and hiking. Just ahead lies the first of two major ski resorts on this road trip. Stowe Mountain Resort is cut into the slopes of Mount Mansfield while six miles farther north is Smugglers’ Notch. Both are highly ranked by Ski magazine which notes that Stowe is “known for its thrilling steeps and ski-town vibe, which manages to be hip and quaint at the same time.” Like many winter resorts around the world, Stowe and “Smuggs” offer a host of summer and fall activities, too, from gondola rides and mountain biking to outdoor concerts and waterparks.

From Smugglers’ Notch, head down the mountain on VT 108 for five miles to Jeffersonville. Following VT 15 west, it’s about three miles to Cambridge. Between the two towns, you’ll find shops like Smugglers’ Notch Distillery, Vermont Maple Outlet and Boyden Valley Winery & Spirits, which uses local products like apples, cream and maple to create liqueurs, brandy and glogg.

Then, burn calories by heading 12 miles south of Cambridge to Underhill State Park where you can hike the westside of Mount Mansfield to the summit ridge. More hiking, walking and cycling can be enjoyed along the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail which you can park and join off VT 15 just east of Jeffersonville. New England’s longest rail trail runs across the state for 93 miles.

Head back to VT 100 by driving 14 miles east of Jeffersonville on VT 15 to Hyde Park. If you’re looking for another campground with hiking trails, swimming, kayaking and canoeing, Elmore State Park is seven miles east. An even more rugged escape is six miles northeast of Hyde Park. Green River Reservoir State Park includes a 653-acre lake with some 19 miles of shoreline. Campsites can only be reached by canoe, kayak or boat.

Continuing north on VT 100, the highway becomes less touristy and more remote and wild as you venture deep into logging, moose and bear country. It’s 38 miles to Newport, on the shores of gorgeous Lake Memphremagog, a long and narrow body of water running north into Quebec. Newport has a few restaurants, shops and a brewery on the outskirts of town. To some, it’s a refreshing respite from trendier, tourist-friendly communities to the south. By road, Canada is six miles north.

Lake Champlain

140 miles

Formed by glaciers and once filled with saltwater, today Lake Champlain is the eighth largest freshwater lake in the lower 48 states. Lying in northwestern Vermont, the 120-mile-long lake forms the state’s border with New York. It has nearly 600 miles of shoreline and more than 70 islands. It goes without saying this spectacular natural marvel has a lot to see.

Start your drive in Alburgh, the northwesternmost town in Vermont, five minutes from New York and Canada. Montreal is 50 miles north and Burlington is 45 minutes south. Just east of Alburgh, it’s seven miles to the Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge, home to many mammals and prime bird watching for great blue herons, ducks, black terns and ospreys.

The byway then heads south, crossing to Isle La Motte with a pink tinted, cast iron lighthouse built in 1880. Nearby, the chapel and pavilion at Saint Anne’s Shrine date back to 1909. The French established a fort here in 1666, the first white settlement in what became Vermont. For a trek even farther back in time, walk the grounds of the 85-acre Goodsell Ridge Fossil Preserve to view its 480-million-year-old collection of the world’s most ancient reef fossils.

Isle la Motte is a small island with one bridge so you can either explore it more or head back east to Vermont Route 129. Then, take a right and go three miles to Alburgh Dunes State Park where the sand dunes and beach form a barrier island. Much of the park is marsh but it does boast one of Lake Champlain’s longest beaches. Although camping isn’t allowed, picnicking, swimming, fishing, kayaking and stand up paddle boarding are popular. 

From the park, follow VT 129 to US 2, which is Lake Champlain’s main thoroughfare. Crossing over to the island of North Hero, it’s eight miles to the town center of North Hero, which stretches along the lake offering views of water and the Green Mountains to the east. There are a couple of restaurants and the 1824 Grand Isle County Courthouse, made from local stone. Offshore lie Knight Island State Park and Woods Island State Park which have camping but can only be reached by private boat; there’s no ferry service to either island. From Grand Isle County Courthouse, continue south on US 2 for three miles to Knight Point State Park, another superb setting on the tip of the island with numerous water activities and disc golf but no camping.

Then, US 2 crosses the water to Grand Isle where you’ll want to look for DonnaSue Bakes+Cooks in about two miles. The shop has sweet and savory pies, cookies, scones, cakes and granola. Don’t look for a clerk or cash register. The bakery operates on the honor system where you self-pay with your phone or leave cash in a birdhouse. Then, go another mile to click a pic of the 1783 Hyde Cabin, thought to be the oldest surviving log cabin in the U.S.

Five miles more and a side trip on VT 314 will get you to the Ed Weed Fish Culture Station, with a visitor center and aquariums. The fish hatchery raises several species of trout, walleye and landlocked Atlantic salmon for stocking Lake Champlain. Close by is the RV-friendly, 24-hour vehicle ferry to Plattsburgh, New York which crosses in 15 minutes. The southern part of Grand Isle is called South Hero where farms like Hackett’s Orchard grow and sell apples. Allenholm Farm is Vermont’s oldest commercial apple orchard offering several varieties as well as berries, pies and maple creemees, a maple syrup and cream swirl in a cone. The island’s south end is also the start of the 14-mile Island Line Trail to Burlington. This former railroad route is now a remarkable gravel trail for walkers, runners and cyclists that curves out into Lake Champlain, connecting the island with the mainland. One section involves a 200-foot-long water crossing on The Local Motion Bike Ferry. For a unique photo op, the nearby Birdhouse Forest is decorated with hundreds of tiny rainbow-colored swallow homes. The abodes were constructed and attached to trees in the swamp to attract the mosquito-eating birds.

Back at Allenholm Farm, it’s 2.5 miles east to Apple Island Resort, a lakeside campground with a marina, golfing and planned activities such as yoga, poker and a quilt and craft club. From the resort, the byway then leaves the Champlain Islands by following US 2 to the mainland and Sand Bar State Park. Named after a natural sandbar and located adjacent to the Sandbar Wildlife Management Area, the park features a long beach with excellent swimming, fishing, kayaking, birding and wildlife watching. For great hiking, continue another four miles south on US 2 to Niquette Bay State Park. Camping isn’t permitted at either park.

The byway then cruises toward Burlington, the largest city in Vermont. From US 2, go west on VT 127 which loops north of the city before dropping into downtown. Along the route, the Ethan Allen Homestead Museum chronicles the life of the legendary Vermonter and American Revolutionary War hero through his restored 1787 house and gardens. The site includes a reconstructed Abenaki village, indigenous people who once inhabited the area.

Only about 45,000 people live in Burlington, but the surrounding communities increase Chittenden County’s population to almost 170,000. The Burlington area has the highest number of craft breweries per capita in the U.S., according to the National Brewers Association. The city has a thriving art and music scene, too. In short, Burlington is cool. Most of the downtown action happens at Church Street Marketplace, a pedestrian walkway with shops, restaurants and galleries like Frog Hollow Craft Gallery, which exhibits the work of more than 100 Vermont artisans on a rotating basis. A short walk to the spacious Waterfront Park leads to ECHO, a science and nature museum with exhibits and live animals. About a block away, look for more creatures, as in six large flying monkey sculptures, on top of the One Main and Lake and College buildings. The Spirit of Ethan Allen III has daytime tours and evening sunset cruises on Lake Champlain. And the Champlain Valley Dinner Train follows the tracks south to Middlebury on a three-hour roundtrip excursion.

Next, follow US 7 as it heads south of downtown for seven miles to Shelburne Farms. With Lake Champlain and New York’s Adirondack Mountains as a backdrop, Shelburne is a working farm and agricultural school with classes and camps for adults and kids. The 1,400-acre property also has guest houses, a restaurant, garden, Farm Barn and Children’s Farmyard, where cheesemaking is demonstrated. Two miles away, the equally impressive 45-acre Shelburne Museum features 25 historic New England structures including homes, a barn, meeting house, school, jail, lighthouse and the Steamboat Ticonderoga. Many of the buildings are galleries for the museum’s world-renowned collection of fine and decorative arts, textiles, folk art, circus artifacts and carriages. A mile more is the Vermont Teddy Bear Factory with tours of the famous stuffed animals being cut and stitched by hand.

From snuggly beasts to real ones, it’s nine miles farther south to Mount Philo State Park, where you might spot white-tailed deer or moose. The park is noted for raptors and fall bird migrations. The autumn leaves are incredible, too. Vermont’s first state park sits atop 968-foot-high Mount Philo, with magnificent panoramas of Lake Champlain and the surrounding valleys and mountains. Hiking and picnicking are popular and there’s a small campground.

Continuing six miles south on US 7, the byway reaches Rokeby Museum, a National Historic Landmark renowned for its exceptional Underground Railroad history. From 1793 to 1961, Rokeby was home to four generations of the Robinson family. They were successful farmers, Quakers, abolitionists, artists and authors. For African Americans seeking freedom, the Underground Railroad was a way out of the Slave States. A network of routes and refuges, it mostly involved ordinary folks, such as the Robinsons. Vermont was a safe haven for enslaved people and Rokeby sheltered dozens of fugitives.

More history awaits at Lake Champlain Maritime Museum, about eight miles south and west of Rokeby. With indoor and outdoor exhibits, full-size replicas, photographs and shipwreck artifacts, the museum documents the region’s maritime history from the American Revolutionary War to Lake Champlain’s canal era and age of steam.

Following the shoreline, it’s about 13 miles to Chimney Point State Historic Site, one of Lake Champlain’s most strategic and historically significant locations. Over some 9,000 years, Native people, the English, French and Americans have lived, camped, fished, hunted, met and traded here. And significant military activity took place during the French and Indian War and American Revolution. Today, the 1785 tavern displays exhibits and hosts events including the annual Northeast Open Atlatl Championship. If you’d like to step into New York, cross the Lake Champlain Bridge to Crown Point State Historic Site and the photogenic ruins of two fortifications from the colonial wars between the British and French, dating back almost 300 years.

Southern Vermont

Includes Molly Stark, The Shires of Vermont and Stone Valley state byways – 155 miles, not including Mount Equinox Skyline Drive

In Vermont’s southeastern corner, this drive begins in Brattleboro at the New Hampshire state line. The route forms an L shape as it crosses west and then heads north, running parallel to the New York border. This road trip incorporates three state scenic byways: Molly Stark, The Shires of Vermont and Stone Valley.

Brattleboro is a small city with an attractive historic downtown on the Connecticut River. Just south of town, Fort Dummer State Park has camping, beautiful vistas and hiking trails through dense hardwood forest. While Brattleboro has numerous appealing food options, save room for the cheddars at Grafton Village Cheese Company. Founded in 1892, it lies a mile north of Brattleboro in Grafton, another quaint New England town.

 From Grafton, make your way to Vermont Route 9 and the start of the Molly Stark Byway. Two miles from the cheese company, look for the 1879 Creamery Covered Bridge on your left. VT 9 continues to wind west through forest and along Whetstone Brook. It’s five miles to the Vermont Maple Museum which isn’t a museum but still impresses with a large selection of maple items and other locally sourced products and handcrafted gifts.

Another eight miles west is a real museum, and a really good one, too. The Vermont Museum of Natural History’s Pool Nature Center features ecology, geology and natural history exhibits including more than 600 mounted specimens of native birds and mammals, the largest collection of its kind in Vermont. There are also live animals, including about a dozen non-releasable birds of prey that star in educational programming.

Molly Stark was married to General John Stark. During the American Revolutionary War, she helped win the Battle of Bennington. The mom of 11 recruited men for the New Hampshire Militia and converted her barn into a hospital. The byway is named in her honor as is Molly Stark State Park, located about a mile west of the natural history museum. Camping and hiking are park favorites. To get above the trees for a regional overview, a short hike leads to a fire tower.

Two miles west of Molly Stark State Park, the byway merges briefly with VT 100 and Scenic Route 100, as profiled above. When VT 100 veers north, stay straight on VT 9 through Wilmington. Then, it’s 10 miles west to Woodford State Park and the highest elevation campground of any park in Vermont. At 2,400 feet above sea level, the mountain plateau is surrounded by Adams Reservoir with several other nearby lakes and ponds. The park is a favorite of paddlers, swimmers, fishermen and hikers.

From the park, go ten miles west to Bennington, another Vermont charmer with a vibrant historic center. The 306-foot-tall Bennington Battle Monument commands the view. Completed in 1891 and made of magnesian limestone, it’s the second tallest unreinforced masonry building in the U.S. after the Washington Monument, which it kinda resembles. The obelisk commemorates the Battle of Bennington, a pivotal American Revolution victory in which Molly Stark played a critical role. Many soldiers are buried at Bennington Centre Cemetery, one of the oldest and most fascinating graveyards in Vermont. The adjacent 1762 Old First Church is worth a photo, too. For more insight, a quick walk leads to the Bennington Museum providing a solid overview of a town with an intriguing heritage. And it wouldn’t be Vermont without a covered bridge: Bennington has three in a row on the northwest outskirts of town. Beyond the Bennington Battle Monument, the Silk Road Covered Bridge, Paper Mill Village Bridge and Henry Covered Bridge cross the Walloomsac River via three different roads.

The Molly Stark Byway ends in Bennington. So now, go north on US 7 and The Shires of Vermont Byway. Four miles north of Bennington, look for the Robert Frost Stone House Museum, home to the four-time Pulitzer Prize winning poet. The museum is located on VT 7A and you’ll want to continue north on the highway another seven miles to reach Lake Shaftsbury State Park. Situated on a pretty lake with a sandy beach and surrounded by woodlands, the park offers various water activities, hiking and group camping. By now, you’re probably craving a sweet so head four miles north to The Village Peddler and Chocolatorium where a refurbished old wagon shed turned modern candy kitchen makes chocolates, fudge, truffles and buttercrunch.

From the Chocolatorium, follow Sunderland Hill Road north, passing through Chiselville Covered Bridge on the five-mile drive to the start of Mount Equinox Skyline Drive. (If your RV is too big for the covered bridge, VT 7A will get you there, too.) The pricey paved toll road climbs 3,248 feet to the top of Mount Equinox and the Saint Bruno Scenic Viewing Center. The 11-mile roundtrip “drive to the sky” is open Memorial Day weekend through Halloween. No RVs, campers, large vans or nonmotorized bikes are permitted. So why bother mentioning the narrow bridge and restrictive drive? Well, some RVers bring motorbikes along. Or maybe friends at the campground have a car. Moving on…

Exiting Mount Equinox Skyline Drive, it’s less than three miles on VT 7A to Hildene, the summer home of Mary and Robert Lincoln, the son of the U.S. president and Mary Todd Lincoln. Built at the turn of the 20th century, the restored 412-acre estate features a Georgian Revival mansion as its showpiece. There are 13 other historic buildings, a formal garden and observatory. The farm includes a cheesemaking facility, teaching greenhouse, vegetable gardens and apple orchard.

Two miles farther north is Manchester and The American Museum of Fly Fishing where artifacts, art and literature preserve the sport’s history, traditions and conservation efforts. As you might expect, there’s a vast collection of rods, reels and flies as well as paintings, prints and photos. Even if you don’t fish, the intricacy of fly tying and nature-inspired artwork are sure to impress.

You’ll find more stimulating creativity two miles west at the Southern Vermont Arts Center. The setting is idyllic rural Vermont and the works include more than 1,000 paintings, etchings and sculptures. The permanent collection features many prominent 20th century American artists. There are traveling exhibits, musical performances, a holiday market and classes, too.

Mountainous Manchester has much to offer in the way of bakeries, cafes and restaurants. Then, it’s 10 miles north to Emerald Lake State Park and its forested hillside campground. Emerald Lake is the park’s jewel, great for fishing, swimming and paddling. The park is near Dorset, yet another Vermont town providing high quality food, lodging and art, as well as the Dorset Playhouse. From June through September, the Dorset Theatre Festival presents new plays and classic works performed by first-rate talent from around the country.

Dorset is also where this itinerary joins the Stone Valley Byway, which started back in Manchester. Moving 19 miles north on VT 30, the byway reaches Lake Saint Catherine State Park, another beauty with two beaches, swimming, fishing, boating, paddling, hiking and camping. In three miles, VT 30 passes through Poultney. For an architectural fix, head six miles north on VT 22A to Fair Haven, traveling into New York for a short stretch. In addition to maple syrup and cheddar cheese, Vermont is revered for its marble and slate. This byway is named for the quarries and mills in the area. Fair Haven has a lot of incredible Victorian homes, but two of its most famous mansions are made of marble in the Italianate style. On the village green, look for the 1861 Adams House and 1867 Allen House, now a small hotel called the Marble Mansion Inn.

Driving northeast of Fair Haven, it’s about 12 miles to Hubbardton Battlefield State Historic Site. On July 7, 1777, the only American Revolutionary War battle fought entirely in what would become Vermont took place here. Less than a mile away, Taconic Mountains Ramble State Park is a peaceful spot with a touching story. For 46 years, Carson “Kit” Davidson’s labor of love was to blaze trails, preserve wildflower meadows and construct a Japanese garden. Per his wishes, after Davidson’s death in 2016, Vermont began turning his passion project into a state park. Right now, the only activity is walking the site’s 204 acres to view cliffs, waterfalls, ponds, bridges and the centerpiece garden.

From the park it’s 26 miles to the road trip’s end in Middlebury, a picturesque college town with an energetic vibe. It’s also the headquarters for the American Brewers Guild, and so it’s no surprise the local area has numerous tasting rooms for beer, cider, spirits and wine. The guild teaches professional beer making courses at Drop-In Brewing Company which also has taps and food. On the natural side, Otter Creek Gorge Preserve features hiking trails and the lovely Beldens Falls just north of Middlebury.

Learn more about the thought, research, planning and promotion that goes into the designation of our beautiful Scenic Byways.