Whether you’re entirely new to RVing or you’ve been on the road in your rig for a while, you may have heard about the variety of RV clubs and associations that are available for you to join. One of our favorites here at RVshare is Passport America.
But if you start doing the research to figure out whether or not you actually want to join an RV camping club, you may be left with more questions than answers. How many different clubs are available, anyway? How are they alike and different? What does each offer, and is it worth the price of membership? Which of the many camping memberships available is right for you and your family?
Don’t worry; we know it’s all overwhelming! That’s why we’re here to help you make sense of it all and come to an informed decision, without all the stress and open browser tabs.
Let’s dive in.
RV Clubs
Let’s start at the beginning: Why do RV clubs exist in the first place?
Well, it’s just like any other hobby or pastime. People who share similar interests want to get together and meet each other, to form a community… and it doesn’t hurt to get a few perks along the way!
For adventurous RVers looking to see the country, RV clubs are a great way to achieve all those goals. Membership in a camping club unlocks resources like online forums and opportunities to stay at campgrounds you might not otherwise have access to. Plus, many clubs also organize exciting events, which are a fantastic way to meet other travelers.
Camping Club Discounts
The social aspect of a camping membership is definitely a huge motivator for many members, especially for those who live full-time on the road. It can be difficult to maintain friendships when you’re always on the go!
But there is another major benefit of partaking in an RV club: discounts! From saving money on fuel to finding discount camping at beautiful campgrounds, membership can come with some great values. Of course, what exactly you’ll get depends on which of the many memberships you opt into.
Passport America Membership
If you ask anyone on RVshare’s team which is the best of the many RV camping clubs out there to join, you’ll likely hear a number of responses… but one of the most common will be Passport America.
That’s because if you’re looking to save money, there’s really no other club that comes close to Passport America’s many penny-pinching opportunities.
For one thing, consider how much you spend each trip on camping accommodation fees. Some of those luxurious, resort-style campgrounds can fetch $75 a night… or even more! That’s comparable to a hotel room, and not even counting the sky-high cost of the gas it took to get you there.
But the very first thing you get when you sign up for Passport America is a directory of almost 1900 campgrounds nationwide where you’ll save a full 50% on your campsite.
That’s a huge savings. In fact, since the membership costs only $44 per year, it could easily pay for itself the very first time you use it!
Here’s what some campers have to say about their Passport America memberships:
“We just returned from a 6 week trip. Our savings paid our dues three times over. We also found out that Passport America is the most respected of the ‘half off’ discount clubs. We have two others, but will not renew them.” — Rev. Arlen Jones
“We think Passport America is one of the best investments we have made as RVers. We have been on the road since April 24, visiting the western states of our beautiful country, and have saved several hundred dollars through the use of our Passport America membership.” — Charles G. Bingaman
“We saved $22 a night, so we have more than made up our initial membership fees. Actually, the first time we used it (Passport America Membership) at Yellowstone did it. Everyone has been super nice – parks excellent and we are very glad we joined Passport America. Thanks! Great Savings, Great RV Parks.” — Alice and Joe O’Neil
As you can tell, that $44 investment goes a long way, making Passport America easily one of the best campground memberships for sale on the market today. And although Passport America doesn’t offer a lifetime membership, you can save even more money by committing to a multiple-year membership: a two-year discount card costs $79, saving you 10%, or you can upgrade to a three-year membership for $109, saving you 17%.
And with so many campgrounds in the Passport America directory, you’ll never have to wonder, “Does my discount work at any RV parks near me?”
The answer is definitely yes — and they’re bound to be some of the best campgrounds you’ll visit, too. Besides, even more campground locations are joining the club every day, and you’ll be able to keep up with those changes via the website as well as the quarterly magazine and your yearly copy of the Passport America directory!
Passport America RV Camping
Obviously, the camping discounts are more than enough to justify the cost of a Passport America membership… but part of the reason we think this is one of the best discount camping clubs out there is that you get much, much more than that.
This camping club also offers its members a free online subscription to RV America Magazine, which includes its official club publication and a $12.00 value. Plus, your discount card will get you access to extra perks, including programs, discounts, and benefits created exclusively for the Passport America RV Discount Camping Card.
Last but not least, we love that Passport America members frequently get together to form rallies and caravans, creating a perfect opportunity to meet other smart, money-savvy travelers just like you. While these events come at an additional cost, they’re usually filled with tons of fun activities and include several meals and events in their ticket price, not to mention the discounted camping accommodations you always get as a member, too.
So if saving money while having fun at the same time sounds like a perfect combination, head on over to the Passport America site to get your membership… and enjoy the extra room in your travel budget!
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