Mail Forwarding: What You as an RVer Need to Know

By Carrie Todd
How To Guides and Hacks

What a hassle. You love your part-time RV lifestyle but keeping up with your obligations at your primary residence can be difficult. Take for example your incoming mail. Sure, you could have a neighbor gather it for you. But then what? Burden them with the expense of forwarding it to you?

You could place a hold on your delivery service at the post office, but then you are likely to miss out on important correspondence.

Happily, there is an easy way to resolve this dilemma. It’s called a Mail Forwarding Service.

How Does a Mail Forwarding Service Work?

A basic mail forwarding service provides you with an address where all your mail will be sent while you are on the road. The service holds your mail for you and then sends it at your convenience to the address of your choice.

Different services offer a variety of mail forwarding options. Some have online viewer functionality which gives you the ability to view the sources of incoming mail online and decide which, if any, you want to have sent to you as a hard copy.

Another option allows you to view copies of the actual pieces of mail, which are kept in a virtual storehouse of your incoming letters for future reference.

Other options include mail scanning, junk mail sorting, and large package handling.

a USPS truck on the road

Popular Mail Forwarding Services

Although there are many reputable choices, the following are a few of the most popular due to their convenience and added services.

    This choice services a broad range of states and provides most contemporary features. They provide both types of online viewing and retain digital copies for your later use.
  • Escapees RV Club:
    Escapees RV Club is an inexpensive, members-only option. With an excellent reputation and supporting reviews, they offer a basic mail forwarding service to any location. Your mail is sent to them, and they then repackage it and forward it to you. This covers all your incoming mail, including parcels.
    This is a relatively low costing option that partners with Good Sam Club, as well as PassPort America for added discounts. is likely the most user-friendly for travelers with motorhomes.

Other Mail Forwarding Options

Many other options, although more restrictive, may be exactly what you need. That’s why it’s a good idea to do some research and weigh your options. For example, US Global Mail and USA2Me only service Texas, while America’s Mailbox and My Dakota Address only handle South Dakota.

Whether they are membership exclusive or have online viewing options are also factors to consider. Plus, of course, there are individual set-up fees and typical rates.

In Conclusion

Ultimately, picking a service is an individual decision based on your personal needs and wants. Pricing, convenience, and customer service, like with any other decisions are considerations.

Please share with any friends or family members who travel frequently to help them choose the best mail forwarding system for them; especially those with whom you’d like to keep in touch.